Software Developers

Generate more leads, improve customer retention, and increase brand loyalty.
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Presented by Gary Reddock | (reddger)
Email Marketing AutoResponders help you stay in touch with your members.

Software Developers

Your business is competitive. Give yourself the edge by using Email Marketing AutoResponders to generate and communicate with more prospects, improve customer retention, and increase brand loyalty.

Software Developers and Email Marketing

As a software developer, you want to spread the word and get your software into as many hands as possible.

With AutoResponders, you can:

  • offer trial downloads.
  • send registration / purchase reminders.
  • provide support / service after the sale.
  • gain new clients.
  • improve customer retention.
  • build brand recognition.
  • broadcast special announcements.
  • offer upgrades and back-end offers.

Build Customer Loyalty

After your customer has downloaded your software, use email marketing to stay in front of them with regular followups, reminders, and special notices.

Want To Learn More?

Fill out the form below to receive our free tips, case studies, and valuable insight on how AutoResponders can help you build, manage, and profit from your own email marketing lists:

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